Anca Coller Studio
Bulevardul Carol nr 53

Artist studio: painting, photography, video, object, instalation

Anca Coller


Tip eveniment
Perioada Expozitie
30.09.2022 - 02.10.2022
Anca Coller – Open studio The Warmest Colour Is BLUE. This is a counterintuitive exercise, I know, but fire would be seen just like that on a Blue Giant or watching an oxy-fuel flame… We must be prepared to accept that things aren’t always as we are used to see them. Human sight is subjective. The artist is a permissive medium through which reality is filtered in order to get rid of interferences. The artist is equilibrium continuously adapting. I will open the door to my studio but you will look through a crack at a slice of my laboratory, more exactly, fractions of my ongoing projects. You will see or have the vision of the artist’s underwear underneath her fur costume, cause yes, she’s freezing cold into this spiritual winter, but inside remains sexy, or at least clean. I will let you gaze into me to see inside yourselves. Seeing is an illusion upon which we rely. I offer you my arm to rely on, but comfort is also an illusion – so, rely! We cannot guaranty, we cannot control. You need to strengthen the inside with a solid and permissive structure, we leave a possible initiation map. -”one upon a time there was a pair of trousers hang on a nail” – together with Iulian Gospodin, stop motion video and animation, ongoing project started in 2015. A work about given conditions, adaptation, resilience, possible physical and spiritual release. It was abandoned (to grow old, to leaven) and now it revives to close a circle, a life chapter. It was the first project started in my past studio (known as Ash-Memory). It will release the energy that remained captive in there, towards the future. - ”Earth” – started in 2018 with cycles of drawings on rusted paper. Now it evolved to shroud-portraits generated on linen using rust. It talks about degradation as engendering process, creation as part of continuous destruction and replacement. Corporal image, verticality, light, transparence, all brought together as an experience by the intention that drives the destiny of matter. The work is a cycle in itself. -” Ephemeral Protection” – video installation, started 2022, in progress – an inventory of basic tools, of minimum comfort and efficiency trials. Prioritizing, as appropriate, psychological or physical comfort it explores concepts like safety, protection and control. -” The warmest colour is BLUE – a journey into a stove from a Blue Giant” – objectual installation, started 2021 – about our stereotypes of perceiving heat, vital fire and incubation places, the uterus of creation, cloning, what’s too much, what’s too little, physical and psychological limits, yet. Step inside, look around, that terracotta resists. You are the heart of the fire, the light and the heat and the world weaves around and is built by your senses. -” Inner look - creation” – object and video, 2022 – finished work about whatever you want.