Atelierele Malmaison etajul 2 Calea Plevnei 137C

VAGon - In(ter)disciplined art space is a creative hub within the Malmaison Studios community. Originated in the practices of Sabina Suru and Andrei Tudose, it works as a discreet catalyst for cultural activities that tend to constantly elude the realm of alternative art spaces. VAGon opens a cultural space for emerging and aspiring artists, encourages transdisciplinary collaborations, motivates experiment and searches for plausible alternatives within the art world. VAGon an active and open space for people, for production, for working together and exhibiting.

Share, Tag or Dye SHOW


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Perioada Expozitie
03.09.2022 - 02.10.2022
Welcome to our analogue(d) social network! The consumption of art via screen (phone, computer) has become so ubiquitous that it often replaces a visit to a gallery or museum, and the experience is implicitly degraded. We enjoy the digital space, but we need the tangible even more, don’t we? Share, Tag or Dye is that place where social media meets the tangible. We invited the whole world into this since social media can instrument it so easily (and we wanted the best of both worlds!). Through the open call, 204 people joined our analogue social network, from Chile to India, from Sweden to New Zealand! All of you who joined us contributed with a link from your social media feeds to be brought into “matter” using a nineteenth century technique, cyanotype that is, a technique based on iron salts that are UV sensitive, yielding a deep blue print. Share, Tag or Dye is out there in loving partnership with Alternative Photography, VAGon – in(ter)disciplined space & Malmaison Studios. The project is financed by the Romanian Ministry of Culture. Share, Tag or Dye is the first public project of the Allkimik Photographic Association, art collective from Bucharest RO, with a focus on analogue, alternative & experimental photography. For more info: https://www.facebook.com/events/3274535986093247